Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 32: A Month Into my Journey!

It's been a month since I started the gym and I am so proud of myself. Your wondering why? A month isn't so much but I'm proud I stuck with it for a whole month. Usually, I would have threw in the towel at two weeks in but I didn't this time and that is why I'm so proud. I have lost 6.8 lbs so far and lost 14.5 inches!!

From when I started to now:

Not bad, huh? My clothes are starting to feel just right now instead of being so tight. I'm looking forward to changing my pants size from my now size 22.....soon....I hope! Can't wait to get rid of my muffin top..LOL! My waist is my biggest issue and I'm really trying to get rid of it.

I feel good! Not just about losing weight but about myself. I feel like I'm doing something for me and not for others. This is something that will help me be a better me and that just makes me feel so good!!


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