Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm Back!

I fell off my journey for a bit. I had a medical issue for 3 months and though it wouldn't have limited some exercises, I became depressed and withdrew from my goals.

Now I'm here giving it another whirl.
I'm excited to get back on track!

I currently weigh 267.8. So I have a long ways to go!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 85

Ive been MIA for awhile. I've had some obstacles in my way these last 2 1/2 weeks. First, I injured my ankle while working out. I thought it was broken at because that crap hurt, but it was sprained. So I have not been to the gym.

Then we went on a mini vacation, which was fun but after I have found myself in a little depression. I don't know why but spraining my ankle and not being able to hit the gym has made me feel a lil off.

I feel like just giving up but know I can't and won't...

The ankle is alot better and I'm pushing myself to get back on my grind. It seems harder now then it did when I first started.

Stay tuned....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 65: Weigh In

My body is sore today. I have been over doing it at the gym. Summer ofcourse is here and I almost feel rushed to hurry and lose. I know its not doable and its not going to happen overnight but sometimes I lose sight of this and want to rush.

I have to remind myself that though I'm not going to be the 190 lbs that I wish I was this summer....I have to feel the now and what I'm achieving thus far....

  • I FEEL good! Not just outside but inside, where it really matters!
  • I am eating good, way better than before and setting an example on my children.
  • I am not as reserved as I once was when wearing something cute. 
I am down another 1 lb and 4 oz.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 56: Weigh in

My weekend started out okay until my van gave me some issues. Seems the power steering pump gave out while I was driving miles away from home! It caused a huge headache and $$$, both of which I wasn't expecting to deal with this weekend. I still made it to the gym, tho!

Besides the mess that occurred this weekend, I've been feeling really good. I've been getting compliments on how I'm starting to look like I'm losing weight from friends and family members. This morning I decided to take are really good look in the mirror. I could see my waist is shrinking, my thighs are gaining muscle, my upper arms are starting to look more defined and I could see it in my face that I'm losing weight. Feels so good and it's very motivating. Makes me try harder the next time around at the gym.

I did weigh in this morning and lost 1.4 lbs. I'm now down to 263.6. A few more and I'll be in the 250s which would really be a milestone for me because I wasn't that weight since 2001! That would really be the pusher for me to keep going. Can't wait!!

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